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"Love is in the air, everywhere you look around"! Yes it's that time of year again, when we're sold a lot of tacky crap to give someone to show we love them. Apparently you can buy strawberries in a heart shaped punnet from a certain supermarket! I can't imagine anything worse than eating a hard under-ripe bullet of a strawberry in February, but that's just me!

I'm not bashing Valentine's Day though, or Love! This year has taken on a whole new meaning for me as someone very close to me is spending their first valentine's day in a very long time alone. I also find myself very personally loved up with my husband of 6 years, and thoroughly thankful for having him in my life, especially after the last few bloody awful years. So I'm a bit torn, between feeling awful for those who wish valentine's day didn't exist this year, and a bit smug that I'm in a very good place.

So this year, I reckon we should be spending this weekend showing everyone we love just how much they mean to us, not just our partners. You've always got the cynic party poopers who trash valentine's day every year for being a 'corporate money making scam', and shouting that we should love our partners and others every day of the year, not just on the 14th of February, but I don't see why it's a bad thing to have a day dedicated to love once a year!

I don't have to go on about how good it is for us to feel loved, and to love others. We all know that. It's a fundamental part of our lives to love and be loved. But if you're not in a relationship, you don't need to spend Valentine's day feeling unloved or unwanted. Here are a few ways to make this Valentine's day a celebration, whether you're single or not!

  • Buy or make a little something for someone you love who is not your partner. Reminding someone that they are loved can have a profound effect on their sense of wellbeing, and with so many cute cards about (see picture above!) you can find something to brighten anyone's day. It's also incredibly good for your own happiness to give to others.

  • Manage your expectations! I'm notorious for being unable to hide my disappointment on special occasions, having built them up so much in my mind beforehand. One of the many things I love about my husband is how forgiving he has been when I've acted like a psycho when things haven't ended up the way I hoped; one particular Christmas springs to mind. I'm fairly sure we had a row last valentines day to be honest. So this year I'm choosing not to expect anything, but rather to look forward to a day where I will focus my energy on appreciating what and who I've got in my life. I may even rename the day "thanksgiving- part 2", only without the Turkey and pumpkin themed decorations.

  • Use the day to set some goals to spend more time with loved ones, or plan something for someone you love. Whether that's an afternoon tea with your Mum, or a trip to see a friend you haven't seen for a while, get the diary out and get some plans in it. Or consider things you want to do to improve your relationships. Valentine's day could be a great opportunity to get the ball rolling on getting more love in your life, rather than wallowing in what you think you don't have.

  • And lastly, if all else fails, treat yourself! Use it as a day to shower yourself in love and adoration, boosting your own ego and taking care of your self. After all, if you don't love you, it's pretty hard to accept it from others.

So enjoy your love filled weekend with whoever you love the most, and focus your mind on who and what you love having in your life. Appreciate the love you do have from others, and don't forget to love yourself.

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